Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Earth Love -- April 22, 2014

Nibbles: A Green Tale by Charlotte Middleton
All the guinea pigs in Dandeville love to eat dandelions...  Until there is only one plant left!  Nibbles secretly and carefully tends this treasure until he can share the seeds with his community.

The Earth Book by Todd Parr
What little things can we do to make a BIG difference for the Earth?  Conserve water and electricity, recycle and use both sides of the paper...  I love my Mother Earth!

We made our very own Earth Mosaic during craft time!
The blue water is my favorite part...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Egg-cellent Eggs -- April 15, 2014

Whose Chick are You? by Nancy Tafuri
Goose, Duck, Hen, Bird and the little chick, itself, cannot tell to whom a new hatchling belongs...  But its mother knows!

The Easter Bunny's Assistant by Jan Thomas
The Easter Bunny and his special assistant demonstrate how to make Easter eggs!

Today we made chicks...
Of many colors!


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Worth a Thousand Words -- April 8, 2014

Wow! Said the Owl by Tim Hopgood
A curious little owl decides to stay awake and see what things look like during the day!  Readers explore all the colors of the rainbow as the little owl sees the world in a new light.

The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse by Eric Carle
Rather than use realistic colors, a child paints animals and objects in a variety of different hues. The book includes biographical information about the German painter Franz Marc, who created unconventional animal paintings in the early 1900s.

Artists use SHAPE and COLOR!  We practiced our colors at craft time
by making these super-fabulous artist palettes.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Get Your Groove On! -- April 1, 2014

I feel like DANCING!

Brontorina by James Howe
Despite her size and lack of proper footwear, a determined dinosaur pursues her dream of becoming a ballerina.

Dancing Feet by Lindsay Craig
Can you guess which animal is dancing?  Rhyming text helps kiddos discover who has dancing feet!

For our craft today, we made these fancy ribbons...
The perfect dance accessory!