Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Para los Ninos: Taking Time, Taking Turns -- March 31, 2015

Miss Tiffany visited us from the Children's Museum with important information about spending quality time with our kiddos.  She shared several strategies with us:

  • Games -- Playing board games together teaches taking turns and cooperative strategies!
  • Projects -- A family work project (making gifts, for example) can be satisfying if everyone has a task and takes pride in a job well done.
  • Community Service -- Pick a worthy organization in need such as a hospital, retirement home, homeless shelter or neighborhood center and find out how you and your child can serve them.
  • Mealtimes -- Eat together without interruption.  Share how your day went!
  • Plan a weekend or family trip -- Members of the family offer ideas of what they would like to do and a plan for the whole family comes together.
  • Birthday or other celebrations -- Family traditions and rituals are important for bringing families closer.
  • Experience your world -- Vary your time together and include experiences that support what your child is learning in school, i.e.: the zoo, the supermarket or the children's museum.

How Will We Get to the Beach? by Brigitte Luciani
Roxanne is headed to the beach with a turtle, an umbrella, a book, a ball and her baby.  But the car won't start and whenever Roxanne comes up with a new way to travel to the beach, she discovers she must leave something behind!

Little Cloud by Eric Carle
A little cloud becomes all sorts of things -- a sheep, an airplane, trees, a clown wearing a hat -- before joining the other clouds and raining!

Miss Tiffany always brings the best crafts!  First we made a collage with contact paper, similar to the collages Eric Carle uses to illustrate his books:

And then we decorated picture frames to give to someone special:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hop into a Story -- March 24, 2015

Little White Rabbit by Kevin Henkes
As he hops along, a little rabbit wonders what it would be like to be green as grass or tall as fir trees...

The Easter Bunny's Assistant by Jan Thomas
The Easter Bunny and his special assistant demonstrate how to make Easter eggs.  But guess what happens when Skunk gets excited?

Bounce into craft time with these
adorable long-eared bunnies!
Hop along!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

It's Your Lucky Day -- March 17, 2015

Top o' the morning to you, and Happy Saint Patrick's Day!  Let's check out some books about the color GREEN!

Where is the Green Sheep? by Mem Fox
I see a blue sheep, a bath sheep, even a clown sheep!  But where is the green sheep?

Green by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Let's explore the many shades of green!  From lime, to khaki, to jungle green...

We had the luck of the Irish at Craft Time!
Check out this fabulous Pot of Gold Windsock.
Now if I could just catch that leprechaun...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Rain, Rain, Go Away! -- March 10, 2015

It finally stopped raining!  This soggy librarian is ready to celebrate with books. :)

Split! Splat! by Amy Gibson
When a little girl ventures out into a spring rain with her dog, singing a pitter-patter rain song, her neighbors soon join her for some muddy day fun!

Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
A mother and child plant a rainbow of flowers in the family garden.

Let's color some beautiful flowers at Craft Time!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Reading Roundup -- March 3, 2015

Let's kick off rodeo season with some books for little cowpokes!

The Cow Loves Cookies by Karma Wilson
While all the other animals on the farm enjoy eating their regular food, the cow chooses to eat the one thing that she loves best.  And it goes great with milk!

Let's Sing a Lullaby with the Brave Cowboy by Jan Thomas
Brave Cowboy tries to sing his young calf pals to sleep on a dark night...

Sherriff Riley is modeling the fancy cowboy hats we
made during Craft Time.  Get along, little doggie!